The College as a whole has been a blessing to me during the course, and I know we made the right decision in connecting with the Irish Baptist College to do the Masters’ programme.

Jonny Pollock

The Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland

The Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland is an association with around 120 Baptist Churches across the island of Ireland. While the majority of these churches are currently in Northern Ireland, the number of churches in the Republic is constantly growing. These churches have approximately 8,500 active members and represent a Baptist community of about 20,000 people.

The Association holds its Annual Assembly in May. The Churches' Council meets during that week and in November to receive reports and conduct common business. Routine matters are handled by an Executive Committee elected by the churches at the May Churches' Council meeting.

The College shares premises with the Association offices in our purpose built campus in Moira and partners with the other departments of the Association in many joint ventures.

Find out more about the Association at


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