The College as a whole has been a blessing to me during the course, and I know we made the right decision in connecting with the Irish Baptist College to do the Masters’ programme.

Jonny Pollock

Gap Year in Theology

Have you just finished your A Levels, recently graduated from university, or waiting to find work? Unsure of what should be your next move? Interested in theology? Perhaps this initiative is for you.

The Irish Baptist College are launching a brand new programme: Gap Year in Theology. This is a one year course for anyone aged 18–24 who wants to develop their theological thinking. Participants will enjoy a tailored programme that includes classes on Bible communication, evangelism, worship, the Gospels, and the intersection of Christianity and culture (among others). These classes will be supplemented by some guided reading and a tutorial in which to discuss theological issues.

If you desire to grow in your biblical knowledge, be equipped to better serve the local church, and make the most of the incoming year, why not contact the College to explore the Gap Year in Theology.


Places on the Gap Year in Theology programme are subject to availability. For this reason there is an application process. The first step is submission of an application form. After that the College will request a church reference and organise an informal interview. Applicants should know within a few days if their application has been successful.

To apply for the Gap Year in Theology course, please click here.


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